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Soul Realignment - Akashic Records

Studying Soul Realignment was a natural next step forward in my personal growth and self discovery. I learnt who I was at the Divine Soul Level and by becoming a Soul Realignment Practitioner I am fully aligning with my gifts. And I must say that I have never felt happier knowing who I AM at the Soul level. 

Soul Realignment is a healing modality from the 5th dimension. This healing method is supported by accessing your Akashic Records, which are intention based. So much healing can occur when we explore your records and uncover every choice that you have ever made. After all, your choices are always creating your reality. As multidimensional beings, we can access information about our Divine Soul Blueprint.

By removing the blockages and making more positive choices, we are aligning to the truth of who we are, allowing more vital force energy to flow through us. We can then transform our lives to make room for happiness, abundance, joy, and love.

Duration of Treatment: 90 minutes.


Violet Flame Initiation

The Violet Flame is the sacred fire of transformation, protection, and forgiveness. It is a high-frequency spiritual energy that transforms the refined and subtle negative energies of our being into positive energies.

Saint-Germain, who appeared to me in 2000, is the Ascended Master in charge of the Violet Flame. His mission is to transmit the flame to as many human beings as possible to help the planet in its spiritual evolution. Thanks to its subtle power, this flame is highly recommended for personal development and spiritual awakening.

You don’t choose the Violet Flame; the Violet Flame chooses you and will appear in your life like by magic when the time comes for you to receive the initiation. The initiation helps you to become more aware while furthering your connection to your higher self.

Duration of Treatment: 90 minutes.


Reiki Healing

Reiki is a technique which allows an attuned Reiki practitioner to channel energy through her/his hands to others. Reiki is a natural, unique, and safe technique for activating the natural life force energy within oneself. It is a gentle, intuitive method of restoring and balancing depleted energies to reduce stress and promote wellness. Whilst Reiki is used to aid healing, you do not have to be sick to benefit from its effects. A Reiki treatment can feel like a glowing radiance of heat that surrounds and flows through you. Treatment includes crystal sound healing and light language.

What Reiki is not:

  • A replacement for medical treatment

  • A cure for everything (it helps the healing process)

  • A cult or weird sect

  • A therapy like hypnotherapy or psychotherapy

Duration of Treatment: 90 minutes.

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